Special Education Spotlight Sacramento: Resources for Students, Teachers, and Parents
Schools, nonprofit organizations and county offices in Sacramento, California, provide programs and services for special education students, families and teachers in this city. These programs and services encompass a wide range of supportive and informative activities, websites, articles and seminars which can be used to assist those with legal, academic or personal issues.
Whether you’re seeking settlement of a dispute with your child’s school or staff development programs for special education teaching personnel, you are likely to find the help you need if you are a resident or professional in Sacramento.

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Special Education Resources Within the Sacramento Educational System
The Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) has a Special Education department providing a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and a conflict resolution process to assist parents who have a special needs child and are in dispute with the school system.
The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) oversees the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). SELPA helps districts comply with special education laws and helps to build relationships between schools and special education families. The office’s website has a link to “A Parent’s Guide to Special Education” and a brochure for the Community Advisory Committee.
The California Department of Education is headquartered in Sacramento. The department’s website devotes a page of links for special education resources. Parents, teachers and students can find information about special education Common Core Standards, federal and state special education laws and regulations, children and parent rights, and various articles, handbooks and other publications for such subjects as teacher training, research and school issues.
Sacramento’s Special Education Legal Resources
Representing private schools and agencies, the California Association of Private Special Education Schools (CAPSES), an advocacy organization based in Sacramento, strives to help teachers, parents and others involved in special education understand laws, policies and legislation. It does so through seminars, conferences and regional networking practices.
Though not based in Sacramento, California Special Needs Law Group provides advocacy and legal support , with the goal of protecting the rights of special needs children and their families, to clients throughout the state.
Support for Sacramento Special Needs Families and Students
From advocacy to recreational activities, parents and special needs students themselves can turn to a few organizations in Sacramento.

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The Sacramento Autistic Spectrum & Special Needs Alliance (SASSNA) offers advocacy assistance, case management services, and informational and support events for autistic children and their families who join this organization. These services are free of charge.
The WarmLine Family Resource Center in Sacramento is a great link to support groups, recreational activities, special education handouts and early intervention programs. These programs range from IEP training and behavior support to parent socials and play dates. The Center even hosts a Sibling Workshop, in which children can get together with others who have a brother or sister with a disability.
Child Action Inc. serves Sacramento and provides referral services for parents seeking child care for those with special needs.
Other organizations with offices in Sacramento include:
- Society for the Blind in Sacramento: offers several youth programs to help children achieve their educational goals. Its Realizing Education and Career Hopes (REACH) operates workshops, social events and educational activities to help these special needs children develop college preparatory, social and other skills.
- United Cerebral Palsy of Sacramento: provides resource links to parent and caregiver support programs. Its Autism Center for Excellence (A.C.E.) runs an after-school program for autistic children and a camp in which children can fish, kayak and make crafts. It also offers a Family Respite program, designed to help parents raising special needs children with everyday errands and activities.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness Sacramento: hosts support group meetings for parents and families of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and OCD.
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