Are We a Good Match for Each Other?

Michael Boll, father to a son with autism and CSNLG team member, introduces our special series on the process of working with an attorney or advocate to help your son or daughter. This is a mutli-part series.

We start with how the process works here at CSNLG and what steps happen to go from someone seeking help and information to hiring a law firm.


Read the transcript of the recorded interview


Michael focuses on operations and marketing for us. He is passionate about the nerdy aspects of our work such as communication systems, manuals, Office 365 and all electronic systems that help keep a vibrant group of individuals working together to advocate for students with special needs.

Michael spends much of his time reaching out to the world through our website by writing, recording and filming content designed to help parents and caregivers understand their rights and hear the stories of others.

Michael and his wife Lori are parents to a teenage son with profound autism. He brings the passion of a father looking to improve and advocate for the educational rights of all individuals with special needs.

Contact Information

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