About Anne Zachry

Anne has been a special education and disability resource lay advocate since 1991, a paralegal since 2005, and an educational psychologist since 2013.

She participated in due process hearings, federal district court appeals, 9th Circuit appeals, and California State courts on behalf of students with disabilities and their families or in support of their attorneys.

Anne designs and implements compensatory education programs for students who have been deprived of educational benefits. As a lay advocate, she uses her experience and skills as both a legal professional and education expert to resolve problems at the IEP level as much as possible while making the record in case things still end up in litigation. Most of her cases are resolved at the IEP level, though some still end up being handed over to an attorney for due process.

As an educational psychologist and behavior analyst, Anne can be called upon to testify as an expert.


  • Attend IEP meetings
  • Workshops
  • Parent counseling
  • Review records
  • Draft letters
  • Advise on educational placement and services
  • Refer to outside attorneys as needed
